It wasn’t a very fun evening for Sierra Swann who has lost the DUOS Championships, of course due to her own actions, taking out her own partner and leaving him to the buzzards. It seemed like Sierra really didn’t care anymore, his constant verbal attacks and condescending attitude grew thin with the gorgeous blonde South African who at times has shown a temper much like her sister. Sierra was all about fun and being the Reflection of Perfection, she thought could be but instead found herself not only struggling to maintain the Face of EMERGE mantra but also keeping her head above water. Her patience had run out and she wanted success NOW, not later but NOW. The gorgeous Model though had to deal with a variety of things including Annabelle Burchard being her next opponent and now that she wears paint on her face, suddenly she is a monster.

Sierra doesn’t care, the Golden One becomes a Monster if she doesn’t get 8 hours of sleep. It had been a few days since EMERGE, she went back to Los Angeles to stay with her sister a few days, things had not been going well there either as Sienna and Chris were dealing with a lot of things thanks to Kelcey Wallace. Sierra and Carlton Clark, her Image Consultant along with Tipper Witherbee, her manager, Samson the bodyguard brother and Peanut who was a little bit of everything were all with her in her trip to LA, she couldn’t travel without them. At the Beauty Factory, where it had been shut down, Sierra started to set up a small place of her own with permission from Sienna, her older sister. Sierra was there in jeans, open toed wedge sandals and a pink halter top, nails a glossy color and long blonde hair hanging down. Carlton Clark was in a very tight suit with highwater pants, loafers with no socks, Tipper was in a blue blouse and jeans, peep toe pumps with her nails polished pink, Samson was in jacket, no shirt with his belly hanging out, jeans and boots. Peanut was slacks, and a bow tie t-shirt. While Peanut and Samson were bringing in old files, Sierra stood on the runway, Tipper next to her with iPad in hand, Carlton looked to be in deep thought…


SierraCastPic-CarltonCarlton: “Do you really think this will work?”

Sierra: “Why wouldn’t it. Imagine, this becomes our own personal sanctuary, I build the empire now, I bring in new models where we can reopen this place but do it right. No fatties, no uggos, no Cabbage Patch people, I mean real beautiful models like me, Carlton, this will bring us notoriety and respect. EMERGE would have NO CHOICE but to keep me as the Face of the Company especially if I am backed by all the biggest companies in fashion, this will work.”

Tipper: “We need backing.”

Sierra: “I’ll work on that. I started talking to Lucas Knight and…”

Carlton: “Stop peaches. Seriously, stop. Have you seen his wife? And trust me right now she is not in a good mood. I get it darling; you want to be in good with the new management, but their wives have claws, they are Street’s and they are dangerous. There are other alternatives.”

Sierra: “Damn it, Carlton! I am sinking here. I had to sacrifice the DUOS titles because teaming with that senile old fuck was a waste of my time, the worst part I had to do it to those two fake bitches, Devna and Masters. I am hurting right now emotionally here and now I must fight some girl that wears face paint now because the bible thumper is mad and has gone cray cray? Give me a bone here, Carlton. Tipper, you agree with me, right?”


I was waiting for Tipper to answer with that huge Cheshire Grin, she didn’t and that is when I knew I was fighting a battle I could not win. Help me out here people, God, whatever your name is, give me a sign, anything…..


SiennaCastPic-Sierra2Sierra: “Come on Tipper!”

Tipper: “I am on your side by all means but we need to discuss this further, even in my calculations, it states that the percentage of you ending up on one of those murder and crime documentaries at the rate you’re going is up to 98%, those are odds we do not want. Carlton is right, if we want to fund this ands attract new clients who will endorse you Sierra and help with our true campaign, the Face of Emerge plus your fragrances, clothing line and temporary tattoos….”


Temporary Tattoos? WTF….


SierraCastPic-TipperTipper: “…. And so much more merchandise, this will be a win and another win for us, but the only way that is going to happen is by us playing it safe and finding someone that will invest. We find them? And I promise you that things will get better. We could have this running in no time.”

Sierra: “So it could work?”

Tipper: “Oh yes, it could absolutely work. You just need to trust us.”

Sierra: “I do, but I want to strike while the iron is hot, nobody can fault me for that. I offered Lucas to e his Whiskey Girl, imagine me selling his top shelf stuff with my face on it!?”

Carlton: “It’s rum.”

Sierra: “Whiskey, rum, whatever, it’s alcohol, it’s nasty and it gets you drunk. They know that I could sell their spirits, and well I should but also getting in good with the bosses and being the top athlete would be…. Amazing!”

Carlton: “And impossible.”


He is going to make me throw a tantrum, in a second….


Sierra: “Really!? Come on Carlton!”

Carlton: “Peaches, I already told you what we need to do, okay, let us do it.”


It took a moment before I finally sighed, nodded and gave up, I hate losing but that wasn’t going to stop me from making sure that I was the Whiskey, or I mean Rum girl for Hems and Knight, then again I think that I do need to find some sort of investors, I needed to talk to Sienna and stat.


A Few Hours Later


After spending some time in the Beauty Factory, we had formulated some plans and started setting up our network so on time off from EMERGE, we travel across the pond and work to build my empire. Until then, I was worried about my sister, she has changed and it scared me, not like gross, horror movie scared, like the type of scared when you run out of gas in the ghetto scared, nothing is probably going to happen to you but we haver seen enough movies and ID TV to know that it is quite possible. Sienna wasn’t being herself and much like EMERGE was doing with me, SCW was doing to her and Chris. I came to her house, when I opened the door it was a bit eerie, no one seemed to be home. I looked outside and saw Sienna sitting down looking out at the mountains. She was in a robe, barefoot screwing up that pedicure we both got yesterday, but why out there now.

I walked outside, her back was turned to me, I could see a glass of something in her hand…


Sierra: “Sis…. Everything okay?”

SiennaCastPic-Sienna12Sienna: “What…. What are you doing here?”

Sierra: “I’m staying here for a few days, you said it was okay. I can go….”

Sienna: “No… no…. I’m sorry. It’s been a long day.”

Sierra: “Sienna? Is everything alright?”


Placing my hand on her shoulder, I slowly spun her around and to my shock she had bruises on her neck and a glass of wine in her hand, I took the glass but she fought me, drinking it all down….


Sierra: “How many of those have you had?”

Sienna: “Enough.”

Sierra: “What happened to your neck, who did this!?”

Sienna: “It was an accident.”

Sierra: “An accident!? A bloody accident!? Did Chris do this….”


She quickly rushed me against the wall and covered my mouth up with the palm of her hand, she was pressing hard, hurting me….


Sienna: “Shhhhh….! You need to be quiet!”

Sierra: “MMMMPPHHH….”

Sienna: “Are you going to be quiet!?”


I nod, all I could do as she was pressing so hard; I could feel my teeth touching the back of my neck. She finally let go and I almost collapsed to the ground. Sienna quickly picked me up and tried to dust me off, she was already sorry for what she did, what was going on with my sister…


Sierra: “Sienna, what he fuck is going on, you are scaring me!”

Sienna: “Just trust me. What happened was an accident. He didn’t mean to hurt me.”

Sierra: “Chris did that!?”

Sienna: “Be quiet! He is under a lot of stress and so am I.”

Sierra: “It still doesn’t give him the right.”

Sienna: “It was my fault.”

Sierra: “Sienna don’t, this is how abuse starts. Don’t ever say it was your fault!”

Sienna: “It is, and I need you to trust me okay. I am falling apart because I could lose Nathaniel. Chris is not taking things well with SCW and neither am I. You need to keep your head above water, the EMERGE brand will try to do the same to you, do not let them.”


I don’t know if that was the alcohol talking or of it was paranoia. My heart was beating fast, I have not seen my sister like this ever, even when she was abusing sleeping pills and booze. This was different, she was shaking, her eyes were red, was she not sleeping, she seemed genuinely scared. Where was Nathaniel? Where was Chris or Laura….


Sierra: “Where is Nathaniel?”

Sienna: “At mums.”

Sierra: “Chris? Laura?”

Sienna: “Chris left for a drive; I don’t know when he will be back. Laura is upstairs sleeping. I am sitting here thinking of different scenarios and none of them are fitting. I didn’t know what to do, where to turn, I ran off with him up to the mountains, where Chris and Bree found me. SCW is destroying my career, don’t let…..”

Sierra: “… I won’t. I know I have been difficult the last few months going after married men and such, you know why I did it.”

Sienna: “I know, but that has to stop. You can’t continue going like this, they will hurt you.”

Sierra: “I won’t. Sienna, let me take you to bed, go lay down and take a nap, let me get some ice on that neck.”

Sienna: “I am fine.”

Sierra: “Please?”


She took a second and finally decided it was a good idea. I found a bottle of wine almost empty on the counter as we walked in, I figured that was all her. I helped her up the stairs and into her bed, wiping her feet and taking off the robe, she was in her tank top and underwear. I pulled her hair into a ponytail and sat next to her, holding my sisters’ hand….


Sierra: “I am not going anywhere.”

Sienna: “He is a good man; she is driving him crazy.”

Sierra: “Who?”

Sienna: “Kelcey.”

Sierra: “Don’t worry about her, alright.”

Sienna: “I hate her.”

Sierra: “Shhh…. Hate is a strong word. Close your eyes and go to sleep, sis.”


She finally closed her eyes after nodding, it didn’t take but a few minutes before she was dead asleep. I stood up and put the gel pack on her neck after turning Sienna on her back, she stirred some but was enough to go back to sleep. Staring at her for a moment, I became really angry, grabbing the keys of her Bentley, I kissed my sister on the forehead and raced up about ten minutes up the street to Scott Cannon’s home…


Scott Cannon and Kelcey Wallace Home

Hollywood Hills, CA.


As I pulled into the driveway, quickly getting out of the car, I don’t know why I went there, but I knew I was simply looking for trouble. Maybe Scott could be talked to, he is the brother of Chris, something had to give. I knock on the door, wait a few seconds and the door opens, it is Kelcey Wallace. She was in a really nice sundress and sandals; I have to admit the woman knew how to dress but of course she was a model once and pageant queen. I took a deep breath trying to be all tough….


Sierra: “I need to speak with Scott.”

SiennaCastPic-Kelcey1Kelcey: “What are you doing here Sierra?”

Sierra: “I need to speak to Scott, you know Cannon. Chris brother, your exes bro?”

Kelcey: “Whatever you have to say to Scott, you can say to me.”

Sierra: “Why are you making things so difficult for my sister and brother in law? Why can’t you just let them live in peace and have Nathaniel? Why don’t you and Scott…. You know…. Like have another kid and forget this one ever existed, he only knows Sienna as his mother. Maybe you can have a girl next! Wouldn’t that be….”

Kelcey: “Okay, please stop and be quiet for a moment.”


She was polite in telling me to shut up too, Kelcey was hard to hate…


Kelcey: “I don’t know what prompted this visit because you and I have never had issues in the past. You also have never had interactions with Scott, if Chris and Sienna are putting you up to this, I suggest you get right back in Sienna’s Bentley and go tell them that the answer is NO and I will be coming for my son.”

Sierra: “Okay, I get that, but you have no idea how this is tearing their family apart. Look, I get it but while you were in a coma Sienna and I took care of you, I even gave you manicures and pedicures, put on lipstick, did you hair and makeup, painted your nails, I mean seriously you were the hottest women in a coma…. Like ever. I made sure you were taken care of, but this needs to stop. Go adopt a kid, have another one, anything but leave Nathaniel with Sienna, please, I am begging you.”

Kelcey: “I can’t do that Sierra. I appreciate what you did for me when I was in a coma, thank you bit this has gone too far and I am not waiting any longer. Chris and Sienna are acting psychotic right now and…..”


I couldn’t take her calling my sister that, jumping right in her face….


Sierra: “Don’t you ever ca….”




She hit me so hard I didn’t even see her fist connect with my nose as I fell on my ass and almost broke my tail bone. I sat there wondering what the hell just happened and then I saw the blood pouring out of my nose all over my halter top and hands…


Sierra: “You broke my nose!?”

Kelcey: “You can send that message back to your sister!”


She slammed the door and I just sat there in shock, I wanted to cry but big girls don’t cry damn it…

But in this case, they are because my nose fucking hurt.


Fifteen Minutes Later


Stumbling into the house, I held my bleeding nose and walked right into Sienna’s bedroom, lying down, right next to here because that is where I felt safe. I didn’t want her to see me like this, but I didn’t know what else to do. I lied there staring at her sleeping, wondering what was going through her head, cuddling close, I finally succumbed to the excitement….

Bleeding nose and all, falling asleep on my sisters’ shoulder.








SierraCastPic-Sierra1“I don’t understand why people like to use the word “Homewrecker”, do I look like one to you? Of course not, I and a free spirit, a beautiful soul and a MODEL turned Wrestler still MODELING, which that alone makes me prettier than anyone here. Okay, so seriously, everyone thinks I was trying to ruin Drew Bryant’s life, please, he wanted me. They think I am trying to go after a Helms or a Knight, come on, do you really think I am that desperate. Want to know what I care about most?

Being the Face of EMERGE and one day being a Champion, not one where I must carry some old fart. Losing to Madeleine Masters and Desiree Devna was pretty sad, Danny Darko is a has been and only came out of retirement to get revenge on the Unforgiven which never happened unless you count fake killing someone a thing which I guess when an old dude like that starts self-loathing and is a loss for words, he really isn’t the Guru of Gore, right? He’s the Ass Clown of Accidental “fake” Manslaughter. Here we are though, two untalented wanna-be’s are champions and I am not?

Things are going to change, and they start at EMERGE 39.

Now that 250 pounds of shit are off my back, it is my turn to start thinking about ME and it looks like sad Annabelle Burchard is first. Yes, she has come to an epiphany, The Unforgiven and Melissa Killgraves have pushed her too far. Some women go eat a cheeseburger, others cut their hair short, I may suck down a tub of ice cream and then it is over….

Annie here paints her face and suddenly I am supposed to be scared.

Allow me to explain something to you Annie, this Face is the one from EMERGE, I don’t have to hide it as a way to mask my feelings or use it as an excuse to play a bitch. What is it with EMERGE and these women anyway, half of them want to be someone else and I am just supposed to sit around and accept it? I think I need to introduce myself again, Annie….

My name is Sierra Swann, I am the Gold Standard of EMERGE. It is easy to base everything as arrogance, but you need to see the bigger picture here, Annie, that is oozing confidence which is a great balance to your little broken existence that screams attention right now for before no one was paying attention. For a woman that has so much to talk about me being the Face, maybe you need to stop for a second and look at your fragile ego, rattled by what? Your blind faith?

Maybe daddy issues?

You’re not him Annabelle, I think though you want to be.

See, I get it, I am the pretty girl in the horror movie being stalked by the deranged killer, only thing is I am that one girl who survives it all and walks out the only one left. Annie, the only thing the paint is and this newfound transformation is to hide what you have always wanted to do, be your dad. Maybe if you take some of my exclusive Facial Wash and actually wipe that ugliness out, there maybe a chance that you might feel a little better, problem is no matter what happens, you will use this as a crutch.

Well, let me tell you what I am not….

Someone else.

I am the rising star here, I am the best in this company and when it is all over, the only thing they will remember was the cool face paint of the broken girl that was shattered….

By the Reflection of Perfection.”



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